Do HCG Diets Really Work?

HCG diet is becoming more and more popular these days because of its said effectiveness and simplicity. Also, the fact that this hormone diet has no side effects on the health of the dieter is making more people opt for it. It is said to produce results in very little time. It has been proved that one can lose up to twenty pounds in merely a month. Although HCG diet has been used since the 1950’s the true potential of it has been only recently employed. In today’s world, where weight loss is becoming an issue, this system has proved as a great boon.

While HCG diet by itself produces wonderful results that have been proven over time, the fact that the system is being abused by people who are taking the injections on their own, without any medical assistance causes some serious side effects. There have been many dieters reported who have been suffering from blood clots due to misuse of the injection. Also, in many cases, the injections have also led to high blood pressure problems in dieters and this is a really bad side effect for those who are trying to get rid of weight.

Otherwise, if taken with proper medical care and precautions, the HCG diet has not reported with any side effects on the dieters. At the same time, there are said to be some very positive effects of the HCG diet. It has been proven that the HCG diet helps maintain blood cholesterol levels at normal. It controls the development and activity of the thyroid gland and the adrenal gland, which help in weight loss on a long term basis. It is an excellent remedy to deal with the emotional stress and medical problems of obesity and is a quick and effective method of losing weight.